Medical Injury Attorney

Asbestos Exposure Harms

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Asbestosis, cancer, mesothelioma

Asbestos related diseases usually occur as a result of swallowing or inhaling asbestos fibers. These fibers can be lodged in multiple areas of the body including the lungs, trachea, GI tract, and other organs. Over time the asbestos fibers can cause progressive damage resulting in asbestosis (lung scarring) and possibly cancer or mesothelioma. Asbestos related diseases are usually not diagnosed until decades after exposure. It is often possible to hold those who have exposed the individual to asbestos liable for the harm they have caused. Most asbestos litigation involves individuals who have had significant contact with asbestos in their work environment. Millions of workers have been exposed to asbestos. Some occupations known for asbestos exposure are listed below.


High Exposure Occupations

  • U.S. Veterans (Specifically Navy)

  • Refinery workers

  • Shipyard workers

  • Steel mill workers

  • Power plant workers

  • Railroad workers

  • Construction workers

  • HVAC workers

  • Bricklayers

  • Boilermakers

  • Electricians

  • Carpenters

  • Pipe fitters

  • Insulators

  • Welders

  • Plumbers

  • Painters

  • Mechanics

Types of asbestos related cancers

Esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer can form when asbestos fibers are swallowed and travel through the gastrointestinal system. This leads to other medical problems if left untreated.

Lung cancer Individuals who have smoked and also been exposed to asbestos are fifty to ninety times more likely to develop lung cancer. Smoking can cause and worsen many health problems but individuals don’t always realize their medical condition could be related to another factor, such as asbestos exposure.

Colon cancer According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third most common form of diagnosed cancer. Colon cancer can have different causes, however those that have been exposed to asbestos have an increased risk of developing colon cancer.

Laryngeal cancer Cancer of the larynx, or voice box, can form when asbestos fibers are inhaled and become lodged in the voice box.

Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a type of cancer exclusively caused by asbestos.

Pursuing an Asbestos Cancer or Mesothelioma Claim

Pursuing an asbestos related cancer claim generally is more complex since it involves multiple companies from which recovery is sought. Asbestos claims makeup a special area of law often referred to as “mass torts” because asbestos exposure causes injury to many people. Many courts have been helpful in that they have set rules and made accommodations to streamline the lawsuit process. In addition to a lawsuit, the client may also pursue recovery from some companies that have set aside asbestos injury funds as a result of bankruptcy reorganization.

Cancer caused by asbestos exposure may take years to show up or be diagnosed. Once there is a diagnosis, a suit in the State of Pennsylvania generally must be filed within two years of the date of cancer diagnosis. In many instances there is a viable claim to file even though the asbestos exposure may have been decades ago.